How to fill out a money order
1. Write the name of the recipient
In the “PAY TO THE ORDER OF” section, write HRE Properties
If the name is correct the payment will be applied to your account . If not, it could cause delays.
2. Fill in your details (the purchaser)
The purchaser is you, the person buying the money order. You’ll need to enter your full name and address in the From or Purchaser section. Make sure it’s your full legal name and current apartment address.
3. Sign the front of the money order
Sign your name on the front of the money order, not the back. The back is reserved for the recipient when they go to cash it. LEAVE THE BACK OF THE MOEY ORDER BLANK
Some money orders have a space where you can add a note (like ‘payment for rent’ or ‘invoice #1234’). This isn’t required, but it can be useful to keep a record. If you don’t need to add anything, you can just leave it blank.
4. Keep the receipt
Your money order will come with a detachable receipt. Hold on to it! This is your proof of purchase and also contains tracking info to help you confirm when the receiver has cashed it.